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Direct Debit

How to set up Direct Debit?

A quick step-by-step guide on how to set up your direct debit.

Step 1:

Go to www.deft.com.au to either register a new account or log in to your existing account. You can do this by clicking on the Log In button on the top right corner or by Pressing ‘Register Now’/’Log In to DEFT Now’ on the main banner.

Step 2: 

Once logged in, click “DEFT reference numbers” at the top of the screen.


Step 3: 

Click “Add DEFT reference number”.

Step 4: 

Please enter the DEFT reference number, found on your levy notice, in the space provided. There is the option to name this payment arrangement for ease of reference. E.g Jamesons Strata.

Step 5: 

When the DEFT reference number is entered, the pop-up will broaden to display “Direct debit authorisation (Biller-initiated) for you to select.


Step 6:

Once selected, click on ‘Add Payment Method’ to initiate your choice of direct debit.

Step 7:

Once your payment details are entered, click the two authorisation statements to complete the process. You can choose if you would like to set up the Direct Debit via credit card or your bank account.

Congratulations! You have now set up your Direct Debit!

Please note that the establishment of a new Direct Debit does not replace any payment arrangements you may already have in place with DEFT. To avoid double payments, please remove any existing Direct Debits you may have.

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